To stretch or not to stretch? That's a stupid question.
Some call it a pivot. Some call it a redirect. It's all just growth.
Should I just skip today? Reason #3: Consistency
Reason #2: Community
You Might Be Cheating... and not even knowing it
New year, same you. Let's make 2021 different.
4 Way to Look Better Today
You want to lose weight? Here's the best way...
Going gluten free was the best decision I ever made (this is long but could be worth every min)
Why I Never Regret A Meal. Ever.
Rest day. Where are my rest muscles and how to I work them out?
The healthiest kind of rolling
Why training like an athlete leads to the best results
It's all just a game
Pain or pleasure? It’s kind of how you frame it.
Maybe just shoot for the 80th percentile?
Habit forming and why it’s important, especially in San Diego
WHY are YOU working out?
Look Better, Now.
How to Keep Winter Accountability